Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Day 15

Well hello again, my fellow web designers!

I've been doing some research around on the internet. I actually have had to take a couple days off from coding for work and school and such. Since it's now Thanksgiving break I'm hoping to get back into it, maybe make up for lost time.

I know that I started this journey for a reason, and that reason was originally to learn Ruby and then Rails and do front/back-end web dev in order to either have a major head start for college or head right into the work force with my awesome portfolio. That has changed to doing HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and probably JQuery, for front-end web design. I haven't looked, but I would say that there are about as many jobs for front-end designers as there are for back-end developers.

I did some thinking today, looking for online courses/tutorials for proper programming and web design and all that jazz. I found a course on Python, I believe it was, where the end-game was building your own search engine. That sounds like a really awesome project! I also found another which helped one build a blog. I got to thinking "I've kind of got my blog figured out, using Blogspot and all, what else could I build?" Then it came to me: A forum! I happened to be browsing Reddit at the time. :P So I decided that at the end of my journey, I was going to have a fully functional forum with at least 50 members. Maybe I'll also build a wiki; I've been interested in those for a while.

End-game goal: Make a fully functional forum with at least 50 active users.
                          Have a portfolio website set up
                          Have several mockups of various templates and themes for websites
                          Build and maintain a wiki

I like those goals, I think they are quite realistic. As long as I stick with it, that is. You might be wondering how I'm going to build a forum. "But Luke," you say, "It's going to be hard to build that from scratch!" Well, maybe it is, but have no fear! I'm going to use my knowledge of Python! I'll do the Django tutorial, mess around with it, learn it quite well, and make a forum. Simple! But I have to make sure my HTML and CSS are up to how I want them, and that will take a little bit longer.

Wish me luck on my journey! I might have a ways to go but I'm learning a lot!

Happy coding.

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